Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Wide-Legged Forward Bend , or Prasarita Padottanasana , is a standing yoga pose that provides a deep stretch to the hamstrings, lower back and hips. This position is excellent for releasing tension in the back, improving flexibility in the legs, and calming the mind through a gentle inversion.

Correct technique

How to perform Prasarita Padottanasana :

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart, approx. 1-1.5 meters distance, with the toes pointing slightly inwards.
  2. Inhale, lift your chest and lengthen your spine.
  3. Exhale and fold forward from the hips, with your hands placed on the floor directly under your shoulders or on yoga blocks for support.
  4. Keep your weight evenly distributed between your feet, and let your head hang down towards the floor. Keep your back long and avoid collapsing in the lower back.
  5. Hold the position for 5-10 breaths, and calmly return to standing by lifting the upper body with a straight back.

Common mistakes

  • Overloading the back : Avoid rounding the lower back. Focus on lengthening your spine as you bend forward.
  • Unevenly distributed weight : Make sure that the weight is evenly distributed between the feet, and do not let all the weight come on the toes.
  • Incorrect foot position : Make sure your feet point slightly inwards to protect your knees and hip joints.

Modifications and variations

If you find the Wide-Legged Forward Bend challenging, try these modifications:

  • Yoga blocks : Use blocks under your hands for extra support if it is difficult to reach the floor.
  • Shorter distance between legs : If your hips feel tight, reduce the distance between your feet to ease the stretch.
  • Twist variation : Try adding a twist by placing one hand on the floor and the other toward the ceiling to improve upper body mobility.

Video demonstrations

1. How to Master the Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Women)

In this video, you get a step-by-step guide on how to master the Wide-Legged Forward Bend .

2. Standing forward bend with wide foot position (Women)

A detailed instruction for beginners on how to perform this deep forward bend.

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold the position for 5-10 breaths and repeat 2-3 times. This position is well suited as part of a warm-up or as a finish to calm the body down.

Breathing technique

Inhale deeply as you lengthen your spine, and exhale as you fold more deeply forward. Use your breath to release tension and gradually deepen the position.

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