
Swimming Prep is a preparatory Pilates exercise that builds strength and stability in the back, shoulders, glutes and hip flexors. This exercise prepares the body for more advanced exercises such as Pilates Swimming , and helps develop balance and body control. It is perfect for activating the back muscles, which contributes to improved posture and core stability.

Correct execution

How to perform Swimming Prep correctly:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and your legs straight behind you.
  2. Lift your head, chest, arms and legs slightly off the mat by engaging your back and glutes.
  3. Keep your arms and legs straight, and make sure your lower back is stable.
  4. Breathe evenly while holding the position for a few seconds before lowering your body back to the mat in a controlled manner.

Common errors

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure proper execution:

  • Overstretching the lower back: Keep the core activated to avoid unnecessary strain on the lower back.
  • Lifting too high: Lift the body only as high as you can maintain good control, without weakening the spine.
  • For fast movement: Perform the exercise slowly and with control to achieve maximum muscle activation.

Video Demonstrations

Here are two videos showing correct technique for Swimming Prep :

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