Injuries in connection with training often come from performing too much, too fast and with little rest. Injury prevention training is important to avoid ailments after incorrect loading and wear over time. Load damage and wear damage is something many people experience during their lives, and it is often everything from minor transient ailments in the back, to long-term and more serious problems in the back and neck.
Fortunately, there are good tips and exercises that can prevent and deter injuries. This is very important for an active life without ailments. It is important to prevent injuries regardless of age and physical fitness. In conclusion, we would recommendsimple exercises to prevent bad posture, which easily occurs in an everyday life full of sitting still.
Check out our training itemshere.
Injury prevention exercises
What is injury prevention training?
Have you experienced that a pain gradually gets worse Either if you sit still in the office for a long time, or when you do certain exercisesr?
This can be counteracted by strength training so that the muscles are strengthened and take the load away from the skeleton and tendons. This is because many ailments can be trained away with the right exercises. The most important thing is that you listen to your body, and make a decision about what treatment your ailment needs, whether it is a visit to the doctor or some injury prevention exercises.
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Thinking, hearing or knowing that the risk of injury is reduced if you do the right exercises, is still of little help if the exercises are not carried out regularly in everyday training. An aid to such planning can be ourstraining diary.
Why practice injury prevention?
If you work preventively against injuries, you will be able to get a body that is much better equipped for external stresses. At the same time, the training is experienced more correctly, and the performance is better. Previous injury is one of the biggest reasons for injury again, and therefore it is important to avoid the first injury. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that injury prevention training is important both if you are a beginner or an athlete.
Performing injury prevention exercises regularly reduces the risk of injury by approximately 50%. Regular and structured warm-up exercises are an easy way to invest in both health and performance. Varied warm-up programs, with strength, resilience and balance, have been shown to both reduce the risk of injury, but also improve the athlete's physical performance. Use ourtraining diary to plan your workout!
How to prevent stress injury?
Injury prevention exercises should try to prevent stress injuries , and is something everyone should put intotheir exercise program. What you should train depends very much on where the ailments begin, and in principle all movement is injury-preventing unless you train incorrectly. The most common ailments are found in the back, ankle and knees.
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Injury prevention exercises for the back
Large parts of the population get back problems once in a lifetime. This is due to particularly weak support muscles along the spine. Such a weakness can cause pain and less stability in the lower back. In addition, you may be more prone to injuries in connection with exercise. Exercises that strengthen the lower back help to reduce or prevent back pain . Such exercises also activate the core muscles and reduces stiffness .
The exercise strengthens the gluteal muscle , which is the strongest and largest muscle in the seat, but also one of the most important muscles in the body. The gluteal muscle gives support and stability to the lumbar spine and prevents back pain .
To perform the exercise:
- Lie on the floor and bend your knees, laying your feet flat on the floor at hip-width distance.
- Press your feet into the floor, keeping your arms at your sides.
- Lift the seat from the ground until the body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.
- Tighten your buttocks. The shoulders should always lie flat against the floor.
- Lower the seat and rest for a few seconds.
Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 15 repetitions, and 1 minute rest between sets.
This exercise strengthens the core muscles while building a static strength in both arms and legs.
How to perform the exercise:
- Stand on your toes with a 90 degree bend in the elbows.
- Find the neutral position in the back and pelvis.
- Carefully pull the navel towards the spine.
Perform the exercise for 4 sets for 10-15 seconds, and 1 minute rest between sets
Rotation exercise
This exercise loosens tension in the lower back and upper body. At the same time, it activates the core muscles and improves stability .
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
- The shoulders should always be in contact with the floor, gently roll both knees to one side.
- Hold the position for 510 seconds..
- Return to the starting position.
- Carefully roll the bent knees to the opposite side, hold, and then return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise 2 times a day with 2-3 rotations on each side.
Check out more exercises via springInstagram
Pelvic lift
This exercise activates and stabilizes the core muscles, and loosens tight muscles in the lower back and pelvis.
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on the floor with your knees bent, keeping your arms at your sides.
- Gently sway your lower back and push your abdomen out.
- Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
- Flatten your back and gently pull your navel down towards the floor.
- Hold for 5 seconds and relax.
Complete one set where you gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 30 per session.
These exercises can be performed daily and can be performed at home. Some of the exercises can have an immediate effect, but it is important that the exercises are performed daily over time to achieve a lasting effect. Regular exercises to strengthen the lower back and core muscles can help prevent injuries, relieve pain and provide better stability and mobility.
Fight back low back pain
Ailments in the lower back and hip can often be caused by sitting a lot still, or having a more active everyday life where you lift a lot, which can lead to such pain or soreness. The most important thing you can do to prevent such ailments is to train your core muscles.
Leg climber
This exercise stretches the back, while working the core, outer and side abdominal muscles.
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on your back with one foot straight up toward the ceiling. The other leg is bent.
- Climb up the leg using the core muscles.
- Avoid pulling yourself up more arms,
- Try to get as far up as possible. Slowly lower yourself again.
Perform the set 2-3 times with 15 repetitions on each side.
An exercise that trains the entire back.
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on your stomach with your forehead down to the floor.
- Extend your arms so that your hands rest on your temple.
- Lift your upper body and legs off the floor. Hold on to the top.
- If you only want to train your lower back and core, you only need to lift your upper body.
Perform the set 2-3 times with 15 repetitions.
Forward fold
This exercise loosens the tension in the muscles around the lower back and helps to stretch the entire area.
How to perform the exercise:
- Stand upright with a slight bend in the knees.
- Bend slowly forward vortex by vortex.
- Keep the weight on your heels so you feel relaxed.
- Hang relaxed and breathe calmly.
- Relax in the abdomen and neck.
- Slowly roll up vortex by vortex. Head last.
Perform 1-3 times in 30-60 seconds.
Injury prevention exercises for ankles
Overuse and other ankle injuries can easily occur, and are something that affects everyday life to a small or large degree depending on the activity level. To avoid such injuries, it is important to train the support muscles in the foot that support the ankle.
Balance training
The most important thing to prevent ankle injury is to build stability, and this can be done by performing various balance exercises. Try to keep your balance for 30 seconds on each leg, three times. As you feel the balance getting stronger and stronger, you can try to keep your balance on a balance board. Balance exercises can also vary. Perform squats on a balance board with 10 repetitions and 3 sets.
Toe lift
This exercise primarily trains the calf muscles, and is a basic muscle for almost all activities. During the execution of the toe lift, the ankles are also stabilized.
How to perform the exercise:
- Place your legs on an edge or plate where the heel does not touch the plate.
- Keep a hip-width distance between your legs. Have a straight back
- Stretch your calf muscles as much as you can, before lowering yourself sufficiently.
- Increase the difficulty level and perform the exercise with one leg at a time.
Rotation exercises
Turn your foot inwards as far as you can and hold this position for 15 seconds. Then stretch the foot out again, then twist it outwards as far as you can, and hold for 15 seconds. This exercise can also be performed with elastic.
Perform the exercise 10 times in both directions.
Injury prevention exercises for the knee
A crucial factor for healthy and healthy knees is that one must have a strong, stable and flexible muscle around the knee joint. You reduce the chances of knee pain if you strengthen these, andstretch regularly. If you are starting out with brand new exercises, it is very wise not to start too hard. It is important for the body to get enough of those so that it can recover between sessions.
Outcome exercises
Different variants of outcomes are good training for the lower body, and the possibilities for variation mean that you can focus your attention on some muscle areas of the legs over others. The various lunge exercises train and stabilize the knees, but still be aware that if the knees start to fall in or quickly tremble, take a break.
How to perform the exercise:
- Stand with legs together, and hands on hips.
- Take a long step forward with one leg.
- When the leg hits the floor, slow down the movement until it is in a deep position. About. 90 degrees in the knee joint.
- The upper body should be straight.
- Return to starting position and turn 45 degrees, and take another step with the same leg.
- Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
- Make sure your knees are above your toes and your back is straight throughout the exercise.
Repeat the exercise in 3 sets with 10 repetitions per leg, and 1 minute rest between sets.
Sumoknebøy with outcome
How to perform the exercise:
- Keep a hip-width distance between your legs. Point your toes slightly outwards.
- Make a deep bend and press against the toes.
- Stretch your knees out and turn 90 degrees.
- Do a lunge and back in squats.
- Turn 90 degrees for a new squat this way
Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 15 repetitions, and 1 minute rest.
Injury prevention exercises for shoulders
The shoulders are one of the body's most moving joints, and require both strength and extreme mobility at the same time. A shoulder injury can often occur if it is overloaded over a long period of time. Injuries to the shoulder can be prevented through simple exercise exercises, and these exercises should be a regular part of the training of anyone who loads the shoulders on a daily basis.
Rotation exercises
There are some upper body rotation exercises that can strengthen, move and reduce the pain in the shoulders.
To perform the exercise:
- Stand on all fours. Rotate up to the ceiling with a straight arm.
- Follow the hand was the gaze.
- Bring the arm back and repeat with the other arm.
- Rotate to every other page.
Repeat the exercise in 3 sets and 10 repetitions, with 1 minute rest.
One exercise you can easily do from the office is sitting rotations. This exercise provides good variety and blood circulation to the neck, shoulder and surrounding structures. All you have to do is:
- Straighten your back.
- Stretch both arms out to each side.
- Thumb up, and rotate your arms so that your thumb is pointing down.
- Do 10 repetitions in 3 sets.
Diagonal lift
This exercise activates the muscles around the shoulder blades and strengthens the muscles that provide a good posture. The exercise also activates the buttocks and strengthens the body's natural connection between each shoulder and it.
How to perform the exercise:
- Stand on all fours, with a little sway in the back.
- Lift right arm, and left leg. Stretch and lift them as far as you can.
- Keep the core stable.
- Lower slowly and repeat with opposite arm and leg.
Repeat the exercise in 3 sets and 10 repetitions, with 1 minute rest.
Injury prevention exercises with elastic
Most of the exercises mentioned above can also be completed withrubber band. There are many different exercises with elastic that prevent injuries as long as they are done correctly and the body is not loaded incorrectly.Here you can find our favorite exercises with training elastic, which can also have an injury-preventing effect.
Injury prevention strength training
After a while without exercise, you may have lost muscle mass, fitness and coordination. It can be unmotivating to "start again", so you may drive on as before this break. Strength training must be done correctly, and a good tip is not to train until you can no longer cope and not with the same load all the time. You may want to start with 20-30% lighter weights than the previous session. Also exercise your whole body every time. To make sure you are exercising properly, you can check
Also read:10 strength exercises you can do in the park.
Good load management is one of the most important things you can do to both increase performance, but also reduce the risk of injury. Strength training, technique and motor skills training have a significant effect on performance and injury prevention. Do exercises that train several muscle groups at a time.
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An important prerequisite is that you plan your training, so that you reduce the risk of being injured. It's a lot about having the right progression so that both head and body have enough time to adapt.
How to stay injury free?
Have you experienced that you hold back both in training and at work due to injuries? It can be difficult to start training back after an injury. The most important motivating factor is that you are able to maintain a continuity in the training. This is also something that gives results both in training and at home..
Also read:Get started with your workout!
To stay injury free, it is at least as important to take an extra day off if your body needs it. The principle is about gradually adapting to the new training routine. The main principle when starting after a break is to have a gradual increase for each session and spend 2-4 weeks on the escalation depending on how long the break you have had.
* If you are unsure of which exercises to perform for your injuries, contact a PT or doctor.
How to get better attitude
Good posture is recognized by the fact that the spine is stacked so that muscles, tendons and joints do not get pinched or become overloaded. In an everyday life with a lot of sitting position on the sofa, school and office, this can affect posture. The result of this can be ailments, at the same time as the body will feel more relaxed and not upright in a straight line. With the help of simple exercises this can be prevented.
One-legged glute bridge
By sitting a lot still, you can sway in the lower back, strengthening the buttocks and core muscles is therefore important. With the help of this exercise, activation of the core muscles is increased due to skewed weight distribution when the legs are raised.
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet firmly on the ground and your hands lying
- Lift your hips by pressing one heel against the ground so that one leg is straight out and the other is at a 90 degree angle from the knees
Hold the top position for 1-3 seconds and repeat the exercise 10-20 times. If the exercise is challenging, it is also possible to perform a two-legged glute brige, by lifting the body with both legs at the same time.
Face pull
Another factor for poor posture is forward-leaning shoulders, which are caused by forward-leaning work and little active use of the muscles located on the back of the body.
How to perform the exercise:
- Stand upright with one foot in front of the other for better balance
- Using atraining elastic or other aid, this should be kept with the arms straight at head height
- Pull your arms towards your temple so that you are in a double biceps position
Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
Chest stretching
Another cause of forward-leaning shoulders can be tight chest muscles, and it will therefore be appropriate to stretch these muscle groups.
How to perform the exercise:
- Sit in a sitting position or standing with your back straight
- Lift your arms to the outside of your body
- Pull your arms back towards your back until you feel it stretch
Hold the position statically for 30-60 seconds
Universal position
In the same way as one can have a swaying back, it is also possible to get the opposite case, by excessive curvature of the lower back.
How to perform the exercise:
- Lie on your side with one leg bent and place your foot on the inside of the opposite knee, grasping the bent knee with your hand closest to the floor.
- Lay your upper arm backwards against the floor so that you get a full twist in the whole body
Hold for 1-3 minutes and repeat on the opposite side
Other core exercises
In addition to these exercises, other well-known exercises can also be performed that can help strengthen the core muscles. The classic plank, plank with side lifts and sit ups are preventative for poor posture.
Protein powder for training
If you exercise a lot and struggle to get enough protein, it can pay offprotein powder. Read about what proteins are and why we need themhere!
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