Bundled Half Lotus Pose

Bound Half Lotus Pose, or Baddha Ardha Padmasana , is a seated yoga exercise that combines deep hip opening with shoulder mobility. This position requires flexibility in both hips and shoulders, as one arm is tied behind the back to grasp the opposite foot. It is an advanced position that strengthens focus, balance and body control.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Bound Half Lotus Pose:

  1. Start in Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana), where the right foot is placed on the left thigh.
  2. Stretch your right arm behind your back and grab your right big toe with your hand.
  3. Use your left hand for support by placing it on the floor in front of you, or resting it on your knee.
  4. Sit with your back straight, lift your chest and breathe deeply.
  5. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds and then switch sides.

Common Errors

  • Upper body collapse: Be sure to keep your back straight and chest lifted to avoid upper body collapse.
  • Overextending the knee: Avoid pressing the foot down too hard. Let the stretch come naturally.
  • For quick tying: If it is difficult to get hold of the foot, use a yoga strap to help you tie.

Modifications and Variations

Try these modifications to adapt the exercise to your flexibility:

  • Using a yoga strap: If you can't reach your foot with your hand, use a strap around your ankle to get a better grip.
  • Sit on a block: To reduce the pressure on your knees and make the position more comfortable, you can sit on a yoga block.
  • Unbound: Perform Half Lotus without binding for a more accessible version.

Repetitions and Sets

Hold the position for 30-60 seconds on each side. Repeat 2-3 times, depending on flexibility and comfort.

Breathing techniques

Breathe deeply and evenly throughout the position. Inhale to open the chest, and exhale to release tension in the shoulders and hips.

Video Demonstrations

Here are two videos showing the proper execution of Bound Half Lotus Pose:

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