Banded Standing Triceps Extensions

Banded Standing Triceps Extensions are a great exercise to strengthen the triceps and improve muscle endurance in the upper arms. By using a resistance band, you can perform the exercise with consistent resistance throughout the movement, providing a more intense triceps workout and challenging stability.

Correct Technique for Banded Standing Triceps Extensions

How to perform Banded Standing Triceps Extensions:

  1. Starting position: Stand in the middle of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart, and hold the other end of the band in both hands above your head.
  2. Elbow position: Keep your elbows pointing forward and close to your head. Start with bent elbows so that the band is behind the head.
  3. Execution: Extend the elbows and press the band upwards until the arms are straight. Focus on activating the triceps.
  4. Lowering phase: Slowly lower your hands back to the starting position, keeping the tension in the band.
  5. Breathing technique: Breathe in when you lower your hands, and breathe out when you extend your arms.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes when performing Banded Standing Triceps Extensions:

  • Spread elbows: Make sure your elbows stay close to your head throughout the movement to effectively isolate the triceps.
  • Excessive sway in the back: Keep the core activated and avoid leaning backwards, as this can put unnecessary strain on the lower back.
  • For quick execution: Perform the movement slowly and controlled to ensure full activation of the triceps.

Modifications and Variants

Adapt the exercise to your fitness level:

  • Beginner Variation: Use a lighter resistance band to focus on proper technique and control.
  • One-arm Triceps Extensions: Perform the exercise with one arm at a time to increase the intensity and improve the isolation of each triceps muscle.
  • Seated Triceps Extensions: Perform the exercise seated for extra support and stability.

Repetitions and Sets

For triceps strength and endurance, 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions are recommended. Adjust the resistance of the band according to your training level.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you lower the band behind your head, and exhale as you extend your arms out again. A controlled breathing rhythm helps with stability and increased activation of the triceps.

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